Thursday, May 14, 2009

Albertus Swanepoel - Top 5 inspiring question

Albertus Swanepoel

Albertus Swanepoel
– The fabulous hat fashion designer. Brought the South African fashion in U.S.A. year 1989 and on run aiming high. His apparel had earned him a Coty Award back home. Once in New York, he easily secured a design position at one of the local houses. During recession, the early nineties found Swanepoel making ends meet as an assistant to glove maker Shaneen Huxham. Found an interesting thing on making gloves but this work was seasonal, so he decided to enroll in a millinery course at the Fashion Institute of Technology.

The passion on his heart and creativeness bring him mark in American Fashion history. named the top five questions to Albertus Swanepoel that was truly inspiring.

Albertus Swanepoel fashion HatAlbertus Swanepoel fashion HatAlbertus Swanepoel fashion Hat

How did you get started designing hats?

I started in 1992 already, had to do other things/jobs as well up to 5 years ago, when things changed around for me and I could only concentrate on millinery.

If you weren't designing hats, what would you be doing?

I would be a game ranger in Africa, catching poachers.

What about designing hats makes it better than designing clothing?

Hats are small, sculptural objects, and so personally, I like the smaller scale and the concentration of ideas on a smaller format. I think the medium is also maybe more challenging, since there is a restriction on which shapes a man or woman will wear on their head.

To date, what one moment has been the highlight of your career?

My biggest moment was definitely last year November, when I was announced a runner up in the Vogue/CFDA Fashion Fund Competition! It is a tremendous honor to be recognized by the industry and a panel of very esteemed judges (Anna Wintour, Reed Krakoff, Julie Gilhart, Diane von Furstenberg, etc.)

Being that you are a hat designer, how often do you wear a hat?

I don’t really wear hats, except in the cold of winter. I don’t feel I have to be Exhibit A of my career!